day off

yesterday i took a day off - from life/work and all the above

and that sets me thinking - thinking a lot


noone has responded to my prior message about an ' end all 'isms...(hint: look to the right panel and see the big red circle crossed out)

and becausei feel to strongly about this

i am gonna put it in another way...

if we all started this in our own lives - we could end all the world's 'isms and create a dignitarian society....

just think - an end to war and racism...can you picture that reality? i know, i have been working on getting my hands around it in my head. the task seems almost too large

so, i think i am gonna start with baby thing at a time, one person at a time...until (hopefully) it snowballs and starts rolling down the preverbal hill....

here's one of the things i plan on doing - feel free to add some of your own...(oh, for the complete list - just click on the red circle to the right and it will take you there)

5. Honor your Inner Nobody and your Inner Somebody alike.

1 comment:

azgoddess said...


yes i totally understand - someone gave it a name - then we are one step closer to solving the issue(s)

thanks for stopping by!