links, links, links

and more great links!!

lots a happening this past week
and no
i'm not talking about
the candidates

i'm talking about
lots of stuff going
on behind our backs

Homeland security getting bigger and bigger.

Water Sustainability
this is not! Look at who the big bottle water players are and how they want to control the world's 'free' water. Oh, it's also NOT GREEN! Not EVEN! Here's their mandate, just the name gives you a clue: CEO water mandate.

A good Honest news site - InfoWars. And Wiki-pedia got even better: WikiLeaks. And here's a must see new film you won't see advertised anywhere - EndGame. It has a bit to do with S 1959.

The Washington Post's story about a national dragnet becoming a reality. How's this for a catchy title: The Internet Must Die!

And as I make my exit - here's some good news -- hugs and peace everyone!

Live Earth, 23and Me, Eat Well Guide, Brain Games (try Memory for Life), and for some giggles: Girls are Pretty Forever.

~~~~ peace


Aaron A. said...

Great links,
I'll have to check them out.

Rent Party said...

*Great* set of links, thanks for helping us keep up on things !!! (All that is going on boggles the mind...)

BBC said...

There's some good news? Not much of interest to me in the Eat Well Guide, it's just a commercial site.

At the book store last week I bought a book on local edible food plants in this area.

Will spend the summer at the beaches and mountains identifying them on my walks.

nunya said...

on S 1959

She's got one co sponsor, this one's probably not going anywhere

enigma4ever said...

Hey good that you always have your ear to the ground and are finding goodies for all of us...thank you ....

the Wiki Leaks was banned by that Judge and so good that we can have access again.....

You know what is really bugging me....NONE of the Debates have really dug into Environmental issues....and that makes me sad....maybe if Gore was on a ticket...

Hope you are having a good week down there....many hugs....namaste..

SheaNC said...

The fun never stops in linksville, does it?

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