this has been running through my head for about a week now and i need to get it out
so here goes
the people in power right now - the majority of them suck
the people in power - have power because they have money
power is money
so if we take away their power - their money then we.....
see, this is where i was stumpted...huh, how to take away their power???
and then i figgered it out
we stop using their form of money
read this article about local currency and tell me what you think...
AZ, your Local Currency link made me wonder why so many local credit unions were so anxious to achieve federal banking status some yrs ago. seems to me they had a good idea (lending local money to local people, investing local people's money in local businesses), that somehow got perverted during the S&L debacle.
I don't like "company scrip", at least as it has been usually practiced to price gouge captive consumers. Remember that song "I owe my soul to the company store"?
However, I very much liked: "opponents argue that local currency...can a means of tax evasion." OK! Now we're talking.
I also liked the way you thought it through, trying to find some way to take away their power. Good critical thinking! D.K.
They've tried this in my neck of the woods in Northern California. It looks to be pretty small scale, but it's ongoing and working!
really interesting..thanks AZ...yup..take away their money...( whelp I think they might ahve lost alot of OUR money over in the Sand- but I guess that is another tale...)
thanks for you kind words DK - i so want this over with - even to see the beginning of some process would be great!
WOW MD - great web site...hope it survives...BIG BRO can be...well you-all know
enigma4ever - yes, lots of money in the sand that seems to have shifted back into american corps...sigh
glenda - i totally love craigslist..and the new one my daughter showed me -- freecycle...ours is a yahoo group - check it out!!
This reminds me of Emperor Norton I, the first and only Emperor of the United States. He made his own currency too.
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