sick day

i was gonna take a sick day

ear infection - going to the doc soon...

but putting peroxide in my ear this morning makes it tolerable


i wanted to say something

there is a major event happening this friday

well, for some people it is major

something similar happened

two days before 9/11

and now it is happening again..

only this time i'm told::

"will deeply affect the public’s perception of 9 – 11 and all subsequent decisions and events since then pertaining to that day. This eclipse is on the South node which means that the past decisions that have been made will have difficult karmic consequences. Labor and employment will suffer as a result around the world and peace treaties and international law will be more difficult as well. The trigger event of this eclipse will happen on September 30th"

so this means

that between this friday and next saturday - something big will happen

so, let's see


and now for something completely different: NASA



BBC said...

Well Hon, the crackpots on this planet don't need an eclipse in order to do something stupid. I'm pretty sure they don't even pay attention to those things.

Pawlie Kokonuts said...

You reminded me of a scene from "Even Cowgirls Get the Blues" by Tom Robbins: "i'm calling in well. I've been sick since this job started and I won't be coming in anymore. I'm calling in well."


Maisha said...

waiting for something stupid to happen.wonder what it will be this time...hmmmm....

enigma4ever said...

an Eclipse eh...
Bush will probally think some Extremists did it.....


Hope your ear heals soon dear...
( I too posted about the Shuttle....geez...prayers being sent to the Space Gods that they send a metoerite to 1600 Ave...)

enigma4ever said...

1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Dada said...

Oh enigma....I KNOW you broke that address up into two different comments for a good reason! (grin)

Let's see...300 million Americans. Sixty percent of them disagree with Bush = 180,000,000 new prison cells. Oooh boy, something tells me we're in for a real building boom.

Geesh, you think it'd be a lot more expedient (and cheaper) if they'd just shoot all these dissidents.

Oh hell, I wish I hadn't said that.

Dada said...

Maisha said, "Waiting for something stupid to happen..."

I'm still waiting for something stupid NOT to happen.

But every morning I get up and am disappointed. It still hasn't. (sigh)
Oh hell, if this isn't a fine kettle of fish. AZ warns "...peace treaties and international law will be more difficult"?!

And here we are with absolutely NO state department. NONE, NADA, ZERO, ZILCH, well, save for a Chevron oil tanker and we all know how difficult it is for massive oil tankers to negotiate, to change course. (Especially when they're full of sh*t.)

Thanks for the warning, az. (Hope your ear's better!)

Maisha said...

dada,LOL!yeah...more like waiting for something NOT stupid to happen..true dat...

Harrod Family History said...

Is your ear infection related to a sinus problem? The reason I ask, is that I have allergies and have, in the past, had ear infections related to my sinus problems.

I recently began using a neti pot to use lightly salted water to clean out my sinuses. It really works and the lukewarm salt water feels so refreshing.

I love it as a drug-free way to deal with ragweed allergy.