too good not to share

take it back~!



Anonymous said...

Urp, **SIXTY** Butt Cheeks? well, ahem, maybe if I was blindfolded & gagged, & equipped with the proper bullwhip. kinda gives new meaning to Tom Paine's words about the sun never shining on a greater cause than this. Good show, AZ! ~~ D.K.

Harrod Family History said...

Great video! As Jesse Jackson has been heard to say, "Keep hope alive!"

M. Shahin said...

I can't view it :-( I'll have to get my computer expert sister to see about fixing it.

John Good said...

AZ - Thank you! I posted this last week, and onbody seemed to notice it. =)

enigma4ever said...

Thanks for keeping the Hope alive..and passing the flame on....